A estas alturas muchos habréis escuchado ya la canción de Gotye Somebody That I Used To Know, bien sea la original o alguna de las múltiples versiones que circulan por internet. Estaréis pensando que qué tiene que ver esto con el cine y con Star Wars, pues sí que tiene relación, al menos ahora ya sí con esta peculiar versión/crítica sutil a las últimas películas de la saga de Star Wars, estos tíos no se cortan ni un pelo haciendo que Luke se queje y critique a George Lucas y no os perdáis los argumentos que da George como respuesta.

Por aquí la letra original:


Now and then I think of when I was in power

Like choking people with the Force until they died

But then you told them all my history

And took away my masculinity

And had my character portrayed by subpar actors.

You are now addicted to an overuse of graphics

And making Greedo shoot first? Han shot first.

So when you tried to have the Force make sense

You introduced the midichlorians

And what’s the deal with having me be dubbed over (Noooooooooo!)

But you didn’t have to change it all.

Make ‘em like they never happened and the fans are nothing

I don’t even need your love

But you treat me like a Bantha and that feels so rough

No you didn’t have to make them blow

Have your friends direct your movies and they’ll turn out better.

You think that you don’t need them though

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know


Now and then I think of all the times I screwed fans over.

I had them believing that the first three films were really done.

But Star Wars will be done my way

I don’t care what you have to say

I think that they should let it go

And they’ll never get the Blu-Ray of the Star Wars that you used to know


You didn’t have to change it all.

No more puppets, no more practical effects or nothin’

I don’t even need your love

But you treat me like a wampa and that feels so cold.

No you didn’t have to sell your soul

Do we really need to watch them all again in 3D?

Jar Jar was an all time low

What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know


The movies

(I used to know)

The movies

(What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know)

(I used to know)

(That I used to know)

(I used to know)

(That I used to know)

Y el vídeo original también para quien no lo haya visto. La verdad me ha sorprendido cómo lo han clavado.